

The introduction

Introduce your talk with a brief overview of the points you will cover, locating the topic in its wider context and clearly stating your argument or thesis. Describe what the presentation is about and how it will develop.

For example:
'I'm going to talk about ....'
'This morning I want to explain ....'
'The points I will focus on are first of all..... Then...... This will lead to..... And finally...'

Tip: Display the outline of your talk in key points on an OHT or slide.
Try to begin with an attention grabber to capture your audience's interest. Some ideas are:

* a startling fact
* a cartoon
* a pertinent question
* an interesting statistic
* a dramatic visual aid

Tip: Avoid telling a joke unless you know it is going to work. If it falls flat, so will your confidence.

Last modified: Thursday, 10 November 2011, 6:43 AM