Module 3. Dimensional analysis and heat transfer

Lesson 16


Example 16.1 Determine the hourly loss of heat from a bare vertical steam pipe whose diameter d = 100 mm and the length h = 4 m, if the wall temperature tω = 170�C and the temperature of the surroundings (air) tf = 30�C.

First we determine the mean temperature

We then proceed to find the values of physical properties (from Table A-1) on and the dimensionless terms:

From Table 15.1 we find c = 0.54 and n =1/4.

Substituting these values into equation, we get:



The hourly heat loss

Example 16.2 Determine the equivalent thermal conductivity of a flat air layer δ = 25 mm. The temperature of the hot surface tω1 = 150�C and of the cold surface tω2 = 50�C.

λf = kcal/m-hr-�C

vf = 2.31 . 10-5 m2/s and Prf = 0.69


λeq = εc λ = 2.74 � 0.0276 = 0.0755 kcal/m-hr-oC
