Module 4. Radiation heat transfer
Lesson 24
24.1 Radiant Interchange Between Solids
Knowing the laws of radiation, absorption and reflection, and also the dependence of radiation on direction, it is possible to derive calculation formulas for radiant interchange between solids. The problem may be approached in different ways. For a body taken by itself, the thing is to determine the rate of heat radiation into the surrounding medium. Writing the heat balance, we get
q1= E1eff – E2eff = E1-A1 E2eff [kcal/m2-hr] ………(1)
where E1= radiation of the body proper , kcal/m2-hr;
E1eff = E1 + (1-A1) E2eff is the effective radiation of the solid, kcal/m2-hr;
E2eff = impinging effective radiation emitted from surrounding bodies, kcal/m2-hr.
The impinging radiant heat can be determined only by measurement with the aid of special instruments- radiation meters or actinometers.
This method of calculation
is employed in cases where the temperature and the emissive power of the
surrounding bodies are not known. In heat engineering, it is usually required
to calculate the radiant interchange between bodies whose state of surface,
size and temperature are known. These data permit determination of the quantity
of heat emitted from both bodies by means of the Stefan Boltzmann law. In this
case the essential thing is to take into account the effect of the shape and
size of the bodies, relative position, distance between the bodies and their
emissivity. (Fig. 24.1)
Radiant interchange is a complex process of multiple attenuated absorptions and reflections. Part of the emitted heat returns again to the emitter, thereby slowing down the process of radiant-heat interchange. By way of illustration, let us consider the turnover of radiant heat in the simplest case of radiant-heat interchange between two parallel surfaces. The temperature, emissive power and absorptivity of the surfaces are, respectively, T1, E1, A1 and T2, E2, A2.
The first surface emits
E1. ………(a)
Of the emitted heat E1 the second surface absorbs
E1A2 ……… (b)
And reflects E1 (1-A2) ……… (c)
Of this, the first surface absorbs
E1 (1-A2) A1 ……… (d)
And reflects
E1(1-A2)(1-A1). ……… (e)
The second surface again absorbs
E1(1-A2)(1-A1)A2. ……… (f)
And reflects
E1(1-A2)2(1-A1), ……… (g)
of which the first surface again absorbs
E1(1-A2)2(1-A1)A1…. ……… (h)
and so on ad-infinitum.
The same reasoning is applicable to the radiation of the second surface, namely, the second surface emits E2; of this quantity of heat emitted, the first surface absorbs E2A1 and reflects E2(1-A1), etc. The considered process of radiant-heat interchange is graphically shown.
In order to determine the quantity of heat q12 transferred by the first surface to the second by radiation, one has to subtract from the initially emitted heat E1, first, the portion of heat reflected by the second surface and absorbed again by the first surface and, secondly, the portion of heat absorbed of the heat emitted by the second surface. The first subtrahend may be found by summation of the expressions (d), (h), etc.
E1(1+p+p2+…) (1-A2)A1, ……… (i)
where (1-A2) (1-A1) is assumed equal to p for convenience sake.
Since p<1, the sum of the infinitely decreasing geometric progression
Substituting this value in expression (e), we get
The second subtrahend may be written as follows:
From these expressions we find
Reducing to the common denominator and taking into account that
we finally get
The same result is obtained if the effective radiation of surfaces is considered. According to equation no.1
Solving the system (n) in respect to E1eff and E2eff we get
……… (o)
……… (p)
Substituting the equation (o) and (p) in equation (m), we have:
B Law
According to equation,
Substituting these values and rearranging the expression, we finally get
This is the calculation formula for radiant-heat interchange between two parallel surfaces. The factors An and Cn are called the reduced absorption and radiation factors of radiant-heat interchange between a system of bodies. Since A is numerically equal to ε, it may be replaced by ε.