Module 1. Communication process

Lesson 2


2.1  Introduction

Aim of communication is to bring commonality of understanding of meaning between source and receiver. There may be different types and methods of communication to achieve this aim. After going through this chapter, the learners should be able to find out the importance and relevance of different types of communication, as discussed here.

Basically, there happen to be following types of communication taking place in day-to-day life situations:

2.2  Mass Communication

Mass Communication is directed towards a relatively large, heterogeneous and anonymous audience. The specific features of this are: 

·     The message is addressed “TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN” (from Communicator’s point   of view);

·     RAPID in Nature: Since the messages are meant to reach a large audience within a relatively short time, or even simultaneously. It is often timed to reach most audience-members, at the same time;

·     TRANSIENT in Nature (an OLD CONCEPT), especially vis-à-vis LIVE RECORDINGS/COVERAGES: Since messages are usually intended to be consumed immediately; exception(s):- Cassettes Film/Radio Recording, Photographs, etc. (However, the RECORDED VERSIONS of the concerned messages may be utilized, as and when required!)

·     The individual member of the audience generally remains personally unknown to   the communicator; moreover, the target-audience may even be physically separated in terms of space;

·     Lack of “Direct Interaction” between the source and receiver;

·     Only one Source, at one point of time, is disseminating the message;

·     Lack of instant feedback from the audience;

·     More Coverage of Area is possible ;

·     More (perceived) CREDIBILITY in the eyes of the audience.

2.2.1  Mass Contact Methods  Campaigns

CAMPAIGN is an intensive teaching activity undertaken at an appropriate time, for a brief period, focusing attention in a concentrated manner on a particular problem, so as to stimulate the widest possible interest in the community. However, it cannot be organized for all kinds of improved practices. To be successful:-

·     It must be directed towards the solution of a problem being perceived by majority of the people.

·     The problem, under focus, must be important to a large numbers of people; and,  it should offer the solution that they can and will accept.

·      EMPHASIS on a SINGLE idea, at a time.  Exhibitions

A systematic display of models, specimens, charts, posters, etc. in a sequence, so as to convey some significant information or idea in an easily understandable way to the onlookers. Circular Letters

Specially prepared intimate letters, using a personal approach for a specific message, which are mailed to a large number of farmers either periodically or on special occasions. Extension Publications

PAMPHLET (may contain information on a numbers of related topics)

·      Farm Radio Programmes/ Broadcasts

·      T.V.

·      Documentary Film Shows

·      Farmers’ Fairs/ Kisan Mela

2.3  Interpersonal Communication

In this type of communication, each individual (involved) functions both as a SOURCE as well as RECEIVER of message(s). It may be:

·        Between 2 persons

·        Between several persons

·        Between Persons to Group Communication (i.e. the PUBLIC SPEAKING)

2.3.1  Types of Interpersonal Communication  Personal Localite Sources/ Channels (e.g. family members, relatives, neighbours, local progressive farmers and Interpersonal ommunicationother farmers within the same social setting/ locality)   Personal Cosmopolite Sources/ Channels (e.g. Subject Matter Specialists (SMS) working in KVK, University Scientists, Local School teachers, Officials/ Personnel associated with Banks, Co-operative societies, State Agricultural/ Animal Husbandry/ Dairy departments, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), etc.

2.3.2 Individual Contact Methods

·        Farm & Home Visits (i.e. door-to-door type of visit)

·        Personal Letters/E-mail/Facsimile(FAX)/Telegram

·        Farmers’ (individual) call being attended by Ext. worker.

·        Telephone: Landline & Mobile

·        Advisory/ Consultancy Letters/Services

2.4  Group Communication

It possesses at least 3 characteristics common to Interpersonal Communication, viz:

·         Face-to-face in nature.

·        Communication is “discontinuous” discourse; i.e. people speak alternately, which means that all the members of the group are both source as well as receiver.

·        Probability of “Influence” of one person upon another.

In Group Communication, it is possible for an individual member to determine the needs of the other members of the group and to adapt to them to that effect, more easily!

2.4.1  Group Contact Methods

·         Lectures

·         Group Discussions / Group Meetings

·         Conduct Farm / Field Tours

·         Method Demonstrations

·         Result Demonstrations

·         Quizzes

·         Questionnaire

·         Seminar / Symposium / Conference, etc.

·         RRA ( Rapid Rural Appraisal: A technique to assess the situations prevailing at the field level, wherein a group of Subject Matter Specialists visits the farmers in their field conditions at their village itself for a very brief period of time, in order to get their feedback regarding problems/ constraints existing at the ground level.)

·         PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal: A technique to assess the situations prevailing at the field level, wherein a group of Subject Matter Specialists visits the farmers in their field conditions at their village itself, in order to get their feedback regarding problems/ constraints existing at the ground level, while involving the villagers as stakeholders vis-à-vis finding appropriate solutions in a participatory mode. This method usually takes a longer period of time to accomplish the assigned task. )

·       Brain storming  ( A creative technique, wherein every participant is free to give the wildest of the idea or thought or solution regarding the topic being        discussed.)

·       Delphi-technique ( A flexible forecasting and/ or decision-making technique, wherein the help & co-operation of a group of experienced people is sought out  to arrive at any appropriate/ reasonable decision.)

2.5  Organisationl Communication

·         Communication is the “life and blood” of any organization, and it occupies a strategic place in development / administration.

·         Performance of any Organization (Administration) can be adjudged on the basis of effectiveness and efficiency of its COMMUNICATION system.

Classification of Organization / Administrative Communication (on the basis of FUNCTION; as given by THAYER, 1961):-



    C) EVALUATIVE COMMUNICATION (e.g. Confidential Report)

    D) PERSUASIVE COMMUNICATION (e.g. Explanation)

2.5.1 Communication Behaviour (in organization)

·      A well-established communication network in any organization is not a guarantee of effective communication! For instance ,merely organizing frequent conferences and meetings, or sending out so many  circulars,  reports can’t help the people-------rather, their knowledge, attitude and willingness alone can make the communication  process ‘failed’ or ‘successful’!!

·      People in any organization attach meaning according to their taste & liking in the communicated messages!

And, always remember that a good communicator is a good listener too!  

·      Informal communication can be a great source for maintaining the health of the administration! e.g. Get-together, Picnic, Social calls, Tea-clubs, etc.

·      For effective communication, the common frame of reference between the communicator and the receiver in any organization is an essential condition, viz. In order to communicate with the students, the teachers must bring themselves down   to the level of knowledge, understanding and comprehension  of the students.(i.e. sine qua non)      

·      A better communicator is one who has respect for the facts, and is willing to share them with people who can make good use of those facts! That means,

      (i) No communication without CONTENT / FACTS / IDEAS.

      (ii) FACTS / CONTENT alone can’t neutralize one’s lack of communication skills.