Module 4. Functions
Lesson 14
(Library Functions and Recursion)
14.1 Library Functions
A function, which is predefined in C is known as library function, e.g., printf, scanf, getch, etc., are library functions. Mind it carefully that appropriate header files must be included in the programme for using the library functions. A list of various library functions vis-เ-vis header files (adopted from Gottfried, 1998) is given in Table-14.1 below.
Example 1: Modified programme (using inbuilt library functions) for Example-2 of Lesson-9 to compute real roots of a quadratic equation (See Example-2 of Lesson-2 for pseudo code and flowchart; and Example-2 of Lesson-9 for simple programme for this problem).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
float a,b,c,d, x_1, x_2;
printf(Enter a, b and c: );
scanf(%f %f %f, &a, &b, &c);
d=sqrt(pow(b,2)-4ืaืc); //inbuilt functions used
printf(a, b, c, x_1, x_2: %5.2f, %5.2f,
%5.2f,%5.2f",a, b,
c, x_1, x_2);
return 0;
Test Output:
Enter a, b and c: 2 3 1
a, b, c, x_1, x_2: 2.00, 3.00, 1.00, -0.50,-1.00
Table 14.1 C Library functions vis-เ-vis header files
Function |
Type |
Purpose |
Header File |
abs(i) |
int |
the absolute value of i. |
stdlib.h |
acos(d) |
double |
the arc cosine of d. |
math.h |
asin(d) |
double |
the arc sine of d. |
math.h |
atan(d) |
double |
Returns the
arc tangent of d. |
math.h |
atan2(d1,d2) |
double |
the arc tangent of d1/d2. |
math.h |
atof(s) |
double |
string s to a double-precision quantity. |
stdlib.h |
atoi(s) |
int |
string s to an integer. |
stdlib.h |
atol(s) |
long |
string s to a long integer. |
stdlib.h |
calloc(u1,u2) |
void* |
memory for an array having u1elements, each of length u2 bytes.
Returns a pointer to the beginning of the allocated space. |
malloc.h, or stdlib.h |
ceil(d) |
double |
Returns a
value rounded up to the next higher integer. |
math.h |
cos(d) |
double |
the cosine of d. |
math.h |
cosh(d) |
double |
the hyperbolic cosine of d. |
math.h |
difftime(l1, l2) |
double |
the time difference l1 l2, where l1 and l2 represent
elapsed times beyond a designated base time (see the time
function). |
time.h |
exit(u) |
void |
Closes all
files and buffers, and terminate the programme. (Value of u is assigned
by function, to indicate termination status). |
stdlib.h |
exp(d) |
double |
Raises e to the power d (e= 2.7182818
is the base of the
natural (Naperian) system of logarithms). |
math.h |
fabs(d) |
double |
the absolute value of d. |
math.h |
fclose(f) |
double |
file f. Returns 0 if file
is successfully closed. |
stdio.h |
feof(f) |
int |
if an end-of-file condition has
been reached. If so, returns a nonzero value; otherwise, returns 0. |
stdio.h |
fgetc(f) |
int |
Enters a
single character from file f. |
stdio.h |
fgets(s, i,f) |
char* |
string s, containing i characters, from file f. |
stdio.h |
floor(d) |
double |
Returns a
value rounded down to the next lower integer. |
math.h |
fmod(d1,d2) |
double |
the remainder of d1/d2 (with same sign as d1). |
math.h |
fopen(s1,se) |
file* |
Opens a
file named s1 of type s2. Returns
a pointer to the file. |
stdio.h |
) |
int |
Sends data
items to file f (remaining arguments are complicated
stdio.h |
fputc(c,f) |
int |
Sends a
single character to file f. |
stdio.h |
fputs(s,f) |
int |
string s to file f. |
stdio.h |
(s,i1,i2,f) |
int |
Enters i2 data
items, each of size i1 bytes, from file f to string
s. |
stdio.h |
free(p) |
void |
Frees a
block of allocated memory whose beginning is indicated by p. |
malloc.h, or stdlib.h |
) |
int |
data items from file f (remaining arguments are
complicated. |
stdio.h |
fseek(f,l,i) |
int |
Moves the pointer
for f a distance 1 bytes from location i (i may represent the beginning of
the file, the current pointer position, or the end of the file). |
stdio.h |
ftell(f) |
long int |
the current pointer position within file f. |
stdio.h |
i1,i2,f) |
int |
Sends i2 data
items, each of size i1 bytes, from string s to file f. |
stdio.h |
getc(f) |
int |
Enters a
single character from file f. |
stdio.h |
getchar() |
int |
Enters a
single character from the standard input device. |
stdio.h |
gets(s) |
char* |
string s from the standard input device. |
stdio.h |
isalnum(c) |
int |
if argument is alphanumeric. Returns a nonzero value if true; 0
otherwise. |
ctype.h |
isalpha(c) |
int |
if argument is alphabetic. Returns a nonzero value if true; 0 otherwise. |
ctype.h |
isascii (c) |
int |
if argument is an ASCII character.
Returns a nonzero value if true; 0 otherwise. |
ctype.h |
iscntrl(c) |
int |
if argument is ASCII control character. Returns a nonzero value if true; 0
otherwise. |
ctype.h |
isdigit(c) |
int |
if argument is decimal digit. Returns a nonzero value if true; 0 otherwise. |
ctype.h |
isgraph(c) |
int |
if argument is graphic ASCII character (hex
0x21-0x7e; octal 041-176). Returns a nonzero value if
true; 0 otherwise. |
ctype.h |
islower(c) |
int |
if argument is lowercase. Returns a nonzero value if true; 0
otherwise. |
ctype.h |
isodigit(c) |
int |
if argument is an octal digit. Returns a nonzero value if true; 0
otherwise. |
ctype.h |
isprint(c) |
int |
if argument is printing ASCII character (hex
0x20-0x7e; octal 040-176). Returns a nonzero value if
true; 0 otherwise. |
ctype.h |
ispunct(c) |
int |
if argument is a punctuation character. Returns a nonzero value if true; 0
otherwise. |
ctype.h |
isspace(c) |
int |
if argument is white space character. Returns a nonzero value if true; 0 otherwise. |
ctype.h |
isupper(c) |
int |
if argument is uppercase. Returns a nonzero value if true; 0
otherwise. |
ctype.h |
isxdigit(c) |
int |
if argument is a hexadecimal digit. Returns a nonzero value if true; 0
otherwise. |
ctype.h |
labs(l) |
long int |
the absolute value of 1. |
math.h |
log(d) |
double |
the natural logarithm of d. |
math.h |
log10(d) |
double |
the logarithm (base 10 of d.) |
math.h |
malloc(u) |
void* |
Allocates u bytes of
memory. Returns a pointer to the beginning of the allocated space. |
malloc.h, or stdlib.h |
pow(d1,d2) |
double |
Returns d1 raised to
the d2 power. |
math.h |
) |
int |
Sends data
items to the standard output device (arguments are complicated). |
stdio.h |
putc(c,f) |
int |
Sends a
single character to file f. |
stdio.h |
putchar(c) |
int |
Sends a
single character to the standard output device. |
stdio.h |
puts(s) |
int |
Sends string
s to the standard output device. |
stdlib.h |
rand() |
int |
Returns a
random positive integer. |
stdio.h |
rewind(f) |
void |
Moves the
pointer to the beginning of file f. |
stdio.h |
) |
int |
Enters data
items from the standard input device (arguments are complicated) |
stdio.h |
sin(d) |
double |
the sine of d. |
math.h |
sinh(d) |
double |
the hyperbolic sine of d. |
math.h |
sqrt(d) |
double |
the square root of d. |
math.h |
srand(u) |
void |
the random number generator. |
stdlib.h |
strcmp(s1,s2) |
int |
two strings lexicographically. Returns a negative value if s1<s2; 0 if s1 and s2 are
identical; and a positive value if s1>s2. |
string.h |
strcmpi(s1,s2) |
int |
two strings lexicographically, without regard to case. Returns a negative
value if s1<s2; 0 if s1 and s2 are
identical; and a positive value if s1>s2. |
string.h |
strcpy(s1,s2) |
char* |
string s2 to string s1. |
string.h |
strlen(s) |
int |
the number of characters in a string. |
string.h |
strset(s,c) |
char* |
Sets all
characters within s to c
(excluding the terminating null character \0). |
string.h |
system(s) |
int |
Passes command
s to the operating system. Returns 0 if the
command is successfully executed; otherwise, returns a nonzero value,
typically -1. |
stdlib.h |
tan(d) |
double |
the tangent of d. |
math.h |
tanh(d) |
double |
Returns the
hyperbolic tangent of d. |
math.h |
time(p) |
long int |
the number of seconds elapsed beyond a designated base time. |
time.h |
toascii(c) |
int |
value of argument to ASCII. |
ctype.h |
tolower(c) |
int |
Converts letter
to lowercase. |
ctype.h, or stdlib.h |
toupper(c) |
int |
letter to uppercase. |
ctype.h, or stdlib.h |
Note: Type refers to data type of the quantity that is returned by the
function. An asterisk (*)
denotes a pointer. c denotes a character-type argument. d
denotes a double-precision argument.
Example 2: Write a function to calculate the real roots of a quadratic equation. Revised version of Example-1 given above.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
float quad(float a1, float b1, float c1);
float a,b,c;
printf("Enter a, b and c: ");
scanf("%f %f %f", &a, &b, &c);
quad(a, b, c);
return 0;
float quad(float a1, float b1, float c1)
float d, x_1, x_2;
printf("a, b, c, x_1, x_2: %5.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f,%5.2f, %5.2f", a1,
b1, c1, x_1, x_2);
return 0;
Test Output:
Enter a, b and c: 2 3 1
a, b, c, x_1, x_2: 2.00, 3.00, 1.00,-0.50, -1.00
14.2 Recursion
Recursion is a process by which a function calls itself repeatedly, until some specified condition has been satisfied. This process is useful for repetitive computations in which each action is expressed in terms of a previous result. Many iterative problems can be written in this form. In order to solve a problem recursively, two conditions must be satisfied. First, the problem must be written in a recursive form; and second, the problem statement must include a stopping criterion.
// Programme to demonstrate function recursion.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int num;
printf("\nRecursion... ");
printf("\n\n Enter Number : ");
if (num==3)
{ printf("End of Recursion Function.\n");
return 0;
void main()
Test Output
Enter Number : 4
Enter Number : 55
Enter Number : 6543
Enter Number : 3
End of Recursion Function.
Example 3: Programme to multiply two integer numbers by recursion.
int multiply(int x,int y);
int main(){
int a,b,product;
printf("Enter any two integers: ");
product = multiply(a,b);
printf("Multiplication of two integers is %d",product);
return 0;
int multiply(int x,int y){
static int product=0,i=0;
if(i < x){
product = product + y;
return product;
Test Output:
Enter any two integers: 5 8
Multiplication of two integers is 40.
Example 4: Programme to find the sum of first n natural numbers by recursion:
int main(){
int n,sum;
printf("Enter the value of n: ");
sum = getSum(n);
printf("Sum of n numbers: %d",sum);
return 0;
int getSum(n){
static int sum=0;
sum = sum + n;
return sum;
Test output:
Enter the value of n: 10
Sum of n numbers: 55
Note that recursion can be used as an alternative to looping structures.
Example 5: Programme to compute factorial of a positive integer number.
Commonly, this problem is defined as , where n
is the given integer number. However, you can express this problem in another
way, by writing This is a recursive statement of the problem, in
which the desired action is expressed in terms of previous result. Also, you
know that by definition, therefore, this provides the
stopping criterion. The following programme accomplishes this task.
#include <stdio.h>
long int factorial(int n);
void main()
int n;
long int factorial(int n);
printf(n = );
scanf(%d, &n);
printf(n! = %ld\n, factorial(n));
long int factorial(int n)
if (n <= 1)
return(n * factorial(n-1));
Test Output
n = 10
n! = 3628800
The main portion of the programme simply reads the integer
quantity n and
then references the long-integer recursive function, factorial. Note that
the long integers are used for this calculation as factorials of even modest
values of n are large integer quantities. The function, factorial accesses itself recursively, with an actual argument (n-1) that
decreases in magnitude for each successive access. The recursive access
terminates when the value of the actual argument becomes equal to 1. Note that
when the programme is executed, the function, factorial will be
accessed repeatedly, once in main and (n-1) times within itself, though the end-user using
this programme will not be aware of this. Only resultant value will be
displayed. For example, for the value of n=10, the factorial
is 3628800. The input and output of the programme is:
n = 10
n! = 3628800