Module 5. Test of significance
Lesson 19
19.1 Introduction
In the preceding lesson some tests of significance were discussed which is based on the assumption that the samples were drawn from normally distributed population. These tests are known as parametric tests as the testing procedure involves the assumption about the type of population of parameters. There are, however, many situations where it is not possible to assume a particular type of population distribution from which the samples are drawn. This leads to development of alternative techniques known as non-parametric or distribution –free methods. Chi-square (χ2) (pronounced as Ki-square) test is one of the important non-parametric test and one of the most commonly used test of significance. The chi-square test dates back to 1900, when Prof. Karl Pearson used it for frequency data classified into k-mutually exclusive categories. It is also a frequently used test in genetics, where one tests whether the observed frequencies in different crosses agree with the expected frequencies or not. The chi-square test is applicable to test the hypothesis of the variance of a normal population, goodness of fit of the theoretical distribution to the observed frequency distribution, in a one way classification having k-categories. It is also applied for the test of independence of attributes, when the frequencies are presented in a two-way classification called the contingency table. In this lesson we give chi-square test of various hypotheses.
19.2 Chi-Square Distribution
X is a normal variate with mean µ and standard
deviation σ viz., X ~ N (μ, σ2) then is a standard normal variate .The square of a
standard normal variate i.e.,
known as Chi-square (χ2) variate with
one degree of freedom (d.f.). If X1,X2,---,Xn
are n independent random variate following
normal distribution with means μ1,μ2,---,μn and standard deviations σ1,σ2,---,
σn respectively then the variate
which is sum of the squares of n independent standard normal variates , follows Chi-square distribution with n d.f.
19.3 Applications of the χ2−distribution
Chi-square distribution has a number of applications which are enumerated below:
test if the population has a specified value of the variance σ2.
b) Chi-square test of goodness of fit.
c) Chi-square test for independence of attributes.
19.3.1 Chi-Square Test for Population Variance:
Suppose on the basis of
previous knowledge, we have a preconceived value of population variance σ02.Suppose
we draw a random sample of size n from this population. On the basis of n sample
observations (X1, X2,…,Xn), the population variance value σ02
of the population variance σ2 is to either be substantiated or
refuted with the help of a statistical test. In this case we use Chi-square
test. For this the null hypothesis is taken as
and is tested by the statistic
Follows a χ2 distribution with (n-1) degree of freedom. Where
is the variance of the sample? If calculated
value of chi-square is more than or equal to tabulated chi-square value at
α% level of significance then H0 is rejected at α level of
significance otherwise if calculated χ2 is less than tabulated χ2
at α level of significance then H0 is not rejected at α
level of significance.
Example 1: An owner of a big firm agrees to purchase the product of a factory, if the produced items do not have variance of more than 0.5mm2 in their length. To make sure of the specifications, the buyer selects a sample of 18 items from his lot. The length of each item was measured in mm which is given as under:
18.57 |
18.10 |
18.61 |
18.32 |
18.33 |
18.46 |
18.37 |
18.64 |
18.58 |
18.12 |
18.34 |
18.57 |
18.22 |
18.63 |
18.43 |
18.34 |
18.43 |
18.63 |
Test whether the sample has been drawn from the population having specified variance not more than value of 0.5
On the basis of the sample data, the hypothesis
be tested by the statistic
For the given
Thus, χ2 = 0.515/0.5 = 1.03. Tabulated value of χ2 at 5% level of significance and 17 d.f. viz., χ20.0517 is 27.587. Since the calculated value of χ2 (1.03) is less than 27.857, we don’t reject the null hypothesis at α = 0.05. i.e., σ2 = 0.5 , It means that the buyer should purchase the lot having specified variance not more than value of 0.5 mm2 length .
Chi- square test of goodness of fit
A very powerful
test for testing the significance of the discrepancy between theory and
experiment was given by Prof. Karl Pearson in 1900 and is known as “chi-square
test of goodness of fit”. This test is used for testing the significance of
discrepancy between experimental values and the theoretical values obtained
under some theory or hypothesis. It enables us to find if the deviation
of the experiment from theory is just by chance or is it really due to the
inadequacy of the theory to fit the observed data.
Under the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference between the observed (experimental) values and the theoretical values i.e., there is good compatibility between theory and experiment , Karl Pearson proved that the statistic
Follows a χ2 - distribution with (n-1) degree of freedom where Oi (i=1,2,…….,n) is a set
of observed (experimental) frequencies and Ei
(i=1,2,……..,n) be the corresponding set of expected
(theoretical) frequencies obtained under some theory or hypothesis .
If calculated value of χ2 is less than the corresponding tabulated value at (n-1) d.f. then it is said to be non-significant at the required level of significance. This implies that the discrepancy between experimental (observed) values and the theoretical (expected) values obtained under some theory or hypothesis may be attributed to chance. In other words, data do not provide us any evidence against the null hypothesis and we may conclude that there is good correspondence (fit) between theory and experiment. On the other hand if calculated value of χ2 is greater than the corresponding tabulated value at (n-1) d.f. then it is said to be significant at the required level of significance. This implies that the discrepancy between experimental (observed) values and the theoretical (expected) values obtained under some theory or hypothesis cannot be attributed to chance and we reject the null hypothesis. In other words we conclude that the experiment does not support the theory.
a) The
observed and expected frequencies are subjected to a linear constraint where N is the total frequency since it does
not involve squares and higher powers
of the frequencies.
i.e. the sum of
deviations of the observed and expected frequencies is always zero.
b) Sometimes the following formula is useful for computation of χ2
where N is the total frequency.
c) χ2-test
depends only on the observed and expected frequencies and on degree of freedom
(n-1) .It does not make any assumption regarding the parent population from
which the observations care taken .Since χ2 does not
involve any population parameter it is known as statistic and the test is known
as Non-parametric test or Distribution Free test. Degrees of freedom
The number of independent variates which makes up the statistic (e.g., χ2)
is known as the degrees of freedom (d.f.). The no. of
degrees of freedom in general is the total no. of observations minus the no. of
independent linear constraints imposed on the observations. e.g., if k is the
no. of independent constraints imposed on a set of data of n observations
then d.f. = (n−k).Thus
in a set of n observations usually, the degrees of freedom for χ2 are
(n – 1), one d.f. being lost because of the linear
constraint. . If
‘r’ independent linear constraints are imposed on the cell frequencies, then
the d.f. are reduced by ‘r’.
In addition if any of the population parameters (s) is (are) calculated from the given data and used for computing the expected frequencies then in applying χ2 test of goodness of fit, we have to subtract one d.f. for each parameter estimated. Conditions for the validity of χ2 test
Following are the conditions which should be satisfied before χ2 test can be applied.
(i) N the total number of frequencies must be large, greater than50.
(ii) The sample observations should be independent.
theoretical cell frequency should be small. Five should be regarded as the very
minimum and 10 is better. The chi-square distribution
is essentially a continuous distribution but it cannot maintain its character
of continuity if the cell frequency is less than 5). If any theoretical cell
frequency is less than 5, then for the application of χ2 test,
it is pooled with the preceding or succeeding frequency so that the pooled
frequency is more than 5 and finally adjusts for the d.f. lost in the pooling.
constraints on the cell frequencies, if any, should be linear. Constraints
which involve linear especially in the cell frequencies are called linear
constraints such as .
The above procedure is explained through following examples:
Example 2 : The following table gives the number of coli forms per ml in thousand bottles of sterilized milk:
No of coli forms (Xi) |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
No. of bottles (fi) |
2 |
8 |
46 |
116 |
211 |
243 |
208 |
119 |
40 |
7 |
0 |
Fit a binomial distribution to the above data and test the goodness of fit.
The fitting of this problem is already explained in example 10.6 of lesson 10 (module 3) .In the usual notations we have: n=10, N=1000,
putting r=0,1,2,3,---,10 in f(r) = N x nCr Pr qn-r we get the expected frequency as given in the following table:
Table 19.1
No. of coliforms |
No. of bottles (fi) (Oi) |
Expected Frequency E i |
(Oi - Ei) |
(Oi - Ei)2 |
0 |
2 |
10* |
1 |
11* |
-1 |
1 |
0.0909 |
1 |
8 |
10 |
2 |
46 |
46 |
0 |
0 |
0.0000 |
3 |
116 |
120 |
-4 |
16 |
0.1333 |
4 |
211 |
207 |
4 |
16 |
0.0773 |
5 |
243 |
246 |
-3 |
9 |
0.0366 |
6 |
208 |
203 |
5 |
25 |
0.1232 |
7 |
119 |
115 |
4 |
16 |
0.1391 |
8 |
40 |
42 |
-2 |
4 |
0.0952 |
9 |
7 |
7* |
9 |
10* |
-3 |
9 |
10 |
0 |
1 |
Total |
1000 |
1000 |
1.5956 |
* In the above table since some of expected cell frequencies being less than 5 , therefore, they have been merged with either preceding or succeeding frequencies. Accordingly the corresponding observed frequencies have also been merged. Thereafter the value of χ2 is calculated as follows
Degrees of freedom : 11-1-1-2=7 (n=11,one d.f. is
lost due to linear constraint ; one d.f. is lost because the parameter p of
binomial distribution is estimated from the given data;2 d.f. are lost due to
pooling first and last two frequencies). Tabulated value of χ2 for
7 d.f. and at 5% level of
significance is 14.067.Since calculated value of χ2 is less
than tabulated value it is not significant. Thus we conclude that Binomial
distribution is a good fit to the given data or Binomial distribution fits well
to the given data.
Example 3: The following table gives the number of lactations completed by 1000 cows of Tharparker breed:
No of lactations (Xi) |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
No. of females (fi) |
300 |
205 |
155 |
126 |
90 |
47 |
35 |
18 |
13 |
8 |
3 |
Fit a Poisson distribution to the above data and test its goodness of fit.
Solution :
The fitting of this problem is already explained in example 11.6
of lesson 11 (module 3) . In the usual
notations we have : N=1000,
putting r=0,1,2,3,---,10 in
we get the expected frequency as
given in the following table
Table 19.2
No. of lactation (Xi) |
No. of Females (fi) (Oi) |
Expected Frequency (E i) |
(Oi - Ei) |
(Oi - Ei)2 |
0 |
300 |
131 |
169 |
28447.71 |
216.6034 |
1 |
205 |
267 |
-62 |
3795.93 |
14.2377 |
2 |
155 |
271 |
-116 |
13365.74 |
49.3911 |
3 |
126 |
183 |
-57 |
3261.89 |
17.81356 |
4 |
90 |
93 |
-3 |
8.58 |
0.092368 |
5 |
47 |
38 |
9 |
85.94 |
2.277851 |
6 |
35 |
77* |
13 |
18* |
59 |
3481.00 |
193.3889 |
7 |
18 |
4 |
8 |
13 |
1 |
9 |
8 |
0 |
10 |
3 |
0 |
Total |
1000 |
1000 |
493.8049 |
* In the above table since some of expected cell frequencies being less than 5, therefore, they have been merged with either preceding or succeeding frequencies. Accordingly the corresponding observed frequencies have also been merged, Thereafter the value of χ2 is calculated as follows
Degrees of freedom: 11-1-1-4=5 (n=11,one d.f. is lost
due to linear constraint ;one
d.f. is lost because the parameter m of Poisson
distribution is estimated from the given data; 4 d.f.
are lost due to pooling last five frequencies). Tabulated value of χ2 for
5 d.f. and at 5% level of
significance is 11. 07. Since calculated value of χ2 is more
than tabulated value it is significant. Thus, we conclude that Poisson
distribution is not a good fit to the given data or Poisson distribution does
not fit well to the given data.
19.3.3 Independence of attributes
Let us consider two attributes A and B, A divided into r classes A1,A2,………..,Ar and B divided into s classes B1,B2,…….Bs. (Such a classification in which attributes are divided into more than two classes is known as manifold classification). The various cell frequencies can be expressed in table known as r×s (manifold) contingency table where (Ai) is the number of persons possessing the attributes Ai (i=1,2,……,r), (Bj) is the number of persons possessing the attributes Bj, (j=1,2,…….,s) and (Ai Bj) is the number of persons possessing both the attributes Ai and Bj, (i=1,2,………,r; j=1,2,……,s). Also
The problem is to test if two attributes A and B under consideration are independent or not. Under the null hypothesis that the attributes are independent, the theoretical cell frequencies are calculated as
Hence expected frequency for any of the cell frequencies can be obtained by multiplying the row totals and column totals in which the frequency occurs and then dividing the product by the total frequency N.
Table 19.3 rxs Manifold Contingency Table
Now for rxs observed frequencies (Ai Bj) and the corresponding expected frequencies E(Ai Bj) . Applying χ2 test of goodness of fit, the chi-square statistic is given by
Follows χ2 distribution with (r – 1) (s – 1) d.f. Comparing this calculated value with the tabulated value for (r-1)(s-1) d.f. and at certain level of significance , we reject or accept the null hypothesis of independence of attributes at that level of significance. Degrees of Freedom for rxs contingency table
In (r×s) contingency table
in calculation of the expected frequencies, the row totals, the column totals
and the grand total remain fixed. Further .
Further since the total number of cell frequencies is (r×s), the required
number of degrees of freedom is d.f.
= rs
– (r + s –1) =(r–1) (s–1) 2×2 contingency table
Under the null hypothesis of independence of attributes, the value of χ2 for the 2x2 contingency table
Total |
a |
b |
a+b |
c |
d |
c+d |
Total |
a+c |
b+d |
N=a+b+c+d |
is given by
which follows Chi-square distribution with (2-1)(2-1)= 1 degree of freedom . Yate’s correction for continuity for 2×2 contingency table
In 2×2 contingency table, the no. of d.f. is (2−1) (2−1)
=1. If any one of theoretical cell frequency is less than 5, then the using of
pooling method for χ2 results in χ2 with 0 d.f. (since 1 d.f. is lost in
pooling) which is meaningless. In this case we apply “Yate’s
correction for continuity” which says that add 1/2 to cell frequency which is
less than 5 and then adjust for remaining cell frequencies accordingly. The
modified formula for χ2 is as follows:
If N is large then Yate’s correction will make a very little difference and this can be applied in 2x2 contingency table only. 2x r Contingency table:
Under the hypothesis of independence of attributes, the value of χ2 for 2xr contingency table:
2xr Contingency Table |
Total |
a1 |
a2 |
a3 |
---- |
ar |
b1 |
b2 |
b3 |
---- |
br |
Total |
m1 |
m2 |
m3 |
---- |
mr |
can be computed from Brandt and Snedecor formula :
Other form of this formula is
which is χ2
distribution with (2-1)(k-1)=k-1 d.f. The above
procedure is explained through following examples:
Example 4: A milk producer’s union wishes to test whether the preference pattern of consumers for its product is dependent on income levels. A random sample of 500 individuals gives the following data:
Table 19.4
Income |
Product Preferred |
Product A |
Product B |
Product C |
Total |
Low |
170 |
30 |
80 |
280 |
Medium |
50 |
25 |
60 |
135 |
High |
20 |
10 |
55 |
85 |
Total |
240 |
65 |
195 |
500 |
Can you conclude that the preference patterns are independent of income levels?
Solution: Let us take the hypothesis that preference patterns are independent of income levels. On the basis of this hypothesis, the expected frequencies corresponding to different rows and columns shall be:
and so on. The expected frequencies would be as follows:
Table 19.5
134.40 |
36.40 |
109.20 |
280 |
64.80 |
17.55 |
52.65 |
135 |
40.80 |
11.05 |
33.15 |
85 |
240 |
65.00 |
195.00 |
500 |
Applying χ2-test:
Table 19.6
Oi |
Ei |
(Oi-Ei)2 |
(Oi-Ei)2/Ei |
170 50 20 30 25 10 80 60 55 |
134.60 64.80 40.80 36.40 17.55 11.05 109.20 52.65 33.15 |
1267.36 219.04 432.64 40.96 55.50 1.10 852.64 54.02 477.42 |
9.430 3.380 10.604 1.125 3.162 0.099 7.808 1.026 14.402 |
Degree of freedom = v =(r - 1) (c - 1) = (3 - 1) (3 - 1) = 4
The tabulated value of χ2 for 4 d.f. at 5% level of significance i.e., χ20.05,4=9.488
Since the calculated value of χ2 is greater than the table value, therefore, we reject the null hypothesis and hence conclude that preference patterns are not independent of income levels.
Example 5: In an experiment of cattle from tuberculosis, the following were obtained:
Affected Not Affected Total
Inoculated 4 20 24
Not inoculated 6 50 56
Total 10 70 80
χ2 and discuss the effect of vaccine in controlling
susceptibility to tuberculosis.
Solution : N=80
Ho: The vaccine is not effective in controlling susceptibility to tuberculosis.
H1: The vaccine is effective in controlling susceptibility to tuberculosis.
one of the observed frequency is less than 5. Applying Yate’s
correction, we increase the value of that observed frequency by 0.5 and adjust
other frequencies. The adjusted observed frequencies after Yate’s
correction will be as follows:
Affected |
Not Affected |
Total |
Inoculated |
4+0.5=4.5 |
20-0.5=19.5 |
24 |
Not inoculated |
6-0.5=5.5 |
50+0.5=50.5 |
56 |
Total |
10 |
70 |
80 |
tabulated value of χ2 for 1 d.f. at 5% level of significance i.e., χ20.051 = 3.84. Since the calculated
value of χ2 is less than the tabulated value, we accept the
null hypothesis and hence conclude that the vaccine is not effective in
controlling susceptibility to tuberculosis.
Example 6: A milk product factory is bringing out a new product. In order to map out its advertising campaign, it wants to determine whether product appeals equally to all age groups. The following table gives the number of persons who liked or disliked the product in different age groups.
Table 19.7 No. of persons
Preference |
Age group (in years) |
Total |
< 20 |
20-30 |
30-40 |
> 40 |
Liked |
75 |
70 |
60 |
55 |
260 |
Disliked |
25 |
30 |
40 |
45 |
140 |
Can it be reasonably concluded that the new product appeals equally to all age groups?
N = 400
H0: The new product appeals equally to all age groups.
H1: The new product does not equally appeal to all the age groups.
Table 19.8
Preference |
Age group (in years) |
Total |
< 20 |
20-30 |
30-40 |
> 40 |
Liked |
a1=75 |
a2=70 |
a3=60 |
a4=55 |
n1=260 |
Disliked |
b1=25 |
b2=30 |
b3=40 |
b4=45 |
n2=140 |
m1=100 |
m2=100 |
m3=100 |
m4=100 |
N=400 |
= 4.3956(2.5)=10.989
tabulated value of χ2 for 3 d.f. at 5% level of significance i.e., χ20.053 = 7.815. Since the calculated value of χ2
is greater than the tabulated value, we reject the null hypothesis and hence conclude
that the new product did not equally appeal to all the age groups.