Module 1. Communication process



5.1  Introduction

Anything that prevents understanding of the message is a barrier to communication. Many physical and psychological barriers exist, e.g. culture, background, bias, noise, perception, message, environment, and stress etc. Sender sends the message, which goes through the channel, but it is exposed to above barriers and is then received by the receiver. These barriers muffle the message and it can be overcome through active listening and feedback.

5.2  Concerned with Communicator

·         Ineffective Environment, viz. Physical facilities; respect & appreciation of others’ views; Rapport-building with audience; etc.

·         Disorganised efforts to communicate, ( “Planning done” is half-work done!)

·         Hotch-potch at the eleventh hour! (e.g. Some specific Norms/values or set of rules/regulations or organized way of communication should exist.)

·         Standard of social responsibilities, i.e. one must assume the responsibility for the effect of one’s communication on the respondent (as well as the society).

·         Knowledge about Social organisation & its Cultural Values, i.e. possessing the attribute of EMPATHY (It is the ability of an individual to put himself in the other peoples’ condition).

·         Wrong Concept of COMMUNICATION Process, i.e. one’s Notion/timing about COMMUNICATION will affect the overall quality.

5.3  Concerned with Transmission of Message

·         Wrong handling of the COMMUNICATION Channels(s).

·         Wrong selection of the COMMUNICATION Channel(s).

·         Physical Distraction or NOISE.

·         Use of improper Combination of COMMUNICATION Channels.

5.4  Concerned with Receiver

·         Attention of the Listeners/Audience (towards message)

·         Knowledge about the subject-matter or the topic being discussed

·         Lack of Co-operation, Participation & Involvement.

·         Homogeneity- Heterogeneity

·         Lack of comprehension

·         “Too large” audience

·         Attitude towards Communicator (i.e. Perceived CREDIBILITY)

·         Standard of correctness, (selection of appropriate MESSAGE) i.e; use of correct language, appropriate words/symbols/content/facts etc.

5.5  According to Types of Problems                                               

·         TECHNICAL (especially during the process of transmission of message from the Source to Receiver; Noise)

·         SEMANTIC (i.e. Discrepancy in the interpretation of meaning—between Sender & Receiver)

·         INFLUENTIAL (Concerned with effectiveness of the message—particularly in terms of Response received from the receiver.)

5.6  According to Nature of Problems

·         PHYSICAL viz. Speech & voice defects, faulty body language(s) (i.e. Gestures & Postures).

·         PSYCHOLOGICAL viz. Nervousness, stage- brightness, Perception conceptual problem (about the topic being discussed), attitudinal differences, etc.

·         CULTURAL viz. differences between the culture/ religion/ caste & other background of speaker(s) and the audience; etiquettes & manners; Norms/values/beliefs/Customs/Taboo/Mores