e course

PESTS OF MUSTARD (Brassica) :: Major Pests :: Green Peach Aphid

4. Green Peach Aphid: Myzus persicae (Aphididae: Hemiptera)


Distribution and status:  Throughout India


Host range:  Mustard, peaches, beans, potato, tobacco, turnip, radish, etc


Damage symptoms: Both nymphs and adults damage plants by actively sucking their sap. After the appearance of inflorescence, the aphid congregates on terminal buds and feeds there. As a result, there is flower shedding, poor-pod formation and shriveling of grains. The insect also transmits virus diseases. The honeydew attracts sooty mould.



    • Sow the crop in first week of October.
    • Spray 500 ml of dimethoate 30 EC or 625 ml of oxydemeton methyl 25 EC in 750 L of water/ha when aphids start congregating on top flower buds. Only one spray is needed.