Topic Name Description
Page Course Overview
Page Syllabus
Page Lecture Schedule
Topic 1 Page Aim of the Practical
Page Introduction to Mushrooms
Page Classification of Mushrooms
Topic 2 Page Aim of the Practical
Page Equipments & Collection
Page Identification of Fleshy Fungi
Page Preparation of media for raising of Pure culture
Page Isolation techniques
Topic 3 Page Aim of the Practical
Page Spawn and its Production
Page Precautions. Characters and Storage of Spawn
Topic 4 Page Aim of the Practical
Page Genetic Improvement of Mushrooms
Page Genetic Improvement of Mushrooms (Contd..)
Topic 5 Page Aim of the Practical
Page White Button Mushroom
Page Composting
Page Qualities of a good Compost
Topic 6 Page Aim of the Practical
Page Cultivation Technique
Page Cultivation Technique (Contd..)
Topic 7 Page Aim of the Practical
Page Introduction to Cultivation Technology
Page Cultivation Technology (Contd..)
Topic 8 Page Aim of the Practical
Page Cultivation Technology of Paddy Straw Mushroom
Page Indoor Cultivation
Topic 9 Page Aim of the Practical
Page Cultivation Technology of Milky Mushroom
Topic 10 Page Aim of the Practical
Page PHT-Preservation of Mushrooms
Topic 11 Page Aim of the Practical
Page Infrastructure required
Page Machinery and Equipments required
Page Machinery and Equipments required (Contd..)
Topic 12 Page Aim of the Practical
Page Important Pests of mushrooms and their management
Page Familiarization with the Insect-Pests, Nematodes and Animal Pests of Mushrooms
Page Familiarization with the Insect-Pests, Nematodes and Animal Pests of Mushrooms (Contd..)
Topic 13 Page Aim of the Practical
Page Diseases and mould problems in mushroom cultivation and their management
Page Diseases and mould problems in mushroom cultivation and their management (Contd..)
Page Pathogenic Diseases of Mushrooms
Page Bacterial Diseases of Mushrooms
Topic 14 Page Aim of the Practical
Page Nutritional value of Mushrooms
Page Mushrooms Recipe
Topic 15 Page Aim of the Practical
Page Medicinal Mushrooms
Page Recognition of nutritional and medicinal value of mushrooms
Page Application in mushroom biotechnology
Topic 16 Page Aim of the Practical
Page Cost Analysis for Mushroom Cultivation
Page Mushroom Production Project
Page Mushroom Production Project (Contd..)
Page Mushroom Production Project (Contd..)
Page Mushroom Production Project (Contd..)