Aim of the Practical
Practical - 14
Aim of the Practical: The students will be able to have some knowledge about the nutritional value of different types of mushrooms in comparison with other foods and also about the recipes that can be prepared from mushrooms.
- Mushrooms are known to possess all essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins adequate quantities and low in sugars and as such are selective medicinal food for diabetics. May be because of this fact that the FAO has recommended mushrooms as food, especially for the underdeveloped countries where the protein malnutrition has become a real threat to human health.
- Production of mushroom protein is a costly affair as compared to other sources of protein. Its protein value lies somewhere between that of meat and vegetables and moreover, it is a very good food for most of the vegetarians in India. Mushrooms also rank highly for their vitamin content and a good source of minerals. Various types of mushrooms are known to differ in their nutritional content but all are known to be good source of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
Last modified: Monday, 18 June 2012, 8:33 AM