Glossary - II

Abdominal distention - An enlarged or distended abdomen abdomen usually caused by accumulation of excessive quantities of gas ingested, fluid or tissues

Abdominal tympany - The accumulation of gas in the lumen of stomach or intestine

Fluid tinkling sound - Fluid tinkling sounds are audible on auscultation of the right abdominal wall in the presence of hypomotile intestine which are filled with gas and fluid.

Ping - High pitched metallic sound audible on simultaneous auscultation and percussion over either the left or right abdominal or both indicates presence of stomach or intestine filled with gas.

Anorexia - Total lack of feed intake

Ascites - Abnormal accumulation of fluid on the peritoneal cavity.

Belching - The oral ejection of gas or air from the stomach a normal activity for ruminants.

Borborygmi - The rumbling, squashing, gurgling, sound on auscultation of abdomen caused by peristalsis and propulsion of ingesta through the lumen of intestines.

Bruxism - Grinding of teeth is a manifestation of abdominal, thoracic, esophageal or oral pain.

Constipation - A reduction in the frequency of defecation and the amount of faeces passed which are usually drier than normal.

Crib biting - An acquired habit in stable horses characterized by stercotypic behavior

Diarrhea - An increased in the frequency of defecation or an increase in concentration of water and decrease in dry matter content of faeces

Dyschezia - Difficult or painful defecation.

Dysentery - Blood in faeces together with diarrhoea.

Flactulence - Excessive formation of gas in the stomach and intestine released through anus.

Gagging - The vomiting swallowing gag reflex.

Inappetance - Failure to eat normal quantities of food.

Jaundice/icterus - A syndrome characterized by hyperbilirubinemia and deposition of bile pigment on skin and mucous membrane.

Melena - Black tarry feces , it is indication of hemorrhage in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Obstipation - Intractable constipation with resulting in ileal impaction throughout the rectum & colon.

Polyphagia - Excessive or voracious feeding.

Ptyalism - Excessive production of saliva.

Quidding - Dropping of feed from the mouth in the process of chewing it.

Retching - An unproductive effort to vomit or regurgitate.

Scant feces - Small amount of feces that is usually pasty.

Sialosis - The flow of saliva

Tenesmus - Straining to defecate.

Vomiting - Forcible expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth.

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