Glossary - IV

Anuria – Complete cessation of urine formation by the kidney

Azoturia – A polysystemic toxic syndrome which occurs as a result of abnormal renal function

Crystalluria – Presence of crystals in urine

Dysuria – Painful or difficulty in urination

Haematuria – Presence of blood in urine

Nocturia – Interruption of the period of sleep by the need or urge or urinate

Pollukuria – abnormal frequent passage of urine it may occur with or without increase in the volume

Polydipsia – Consumption of abnormally large volume of water

Pyuria – Pus in urine

Stranguria – Slow or painful urination associated with disease of lower urinary tract including cystitis, urethral obstruction. The animal stains to pass each drop of urine.

Urinary incontinence – Lack of urinary control over the flow of urine to incomplete / inappropriate vomiting storage of urine

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