10.1.4.Things need to be followed when suspected a snake bite

Unit - 10

10.1.4.Things need to be followed when suspected a snake bite
  • Move the casualty away from (the snake) danger.
  • Calm and reassure the casualty, keep them lying down, quiet, and warm. Do not give the casualty anything to eat or drink.
  • Immobilize the casualty's affected extremity, keeping the area below the level of the heart.
  • Remove jewelry from affected area, unless the casualty objects.
  • Apply a constricting band (belt, necktie) 2 to 4 inches above the fang marks (Fig. 9-4) between the bite and the heart. It should be tight enough to stop the flow of blood in the veins but not through the arteries. Adjust the band as swelling occurs. Never place a band around a joint, the head, neck, or chest.

Figure 3. Constricting Band Properly Applied
  • Suction the bite over the fang marks, using an extractor from a snakebite kit. Suction by mouth is recommended only as a last resort. Suction after 30 minutes is ineffective, the venom has already diffused.
  • Monitor the airway, breathing, and circulation (ABCs).
  • Treat for shock.
  • Never apply ice to afflicted area.
  • Contact nearest medical facility, if possible, so that the proper antivenom can be made available.
  • Transport the casualty (and the dead snake) as soon as possible.
Last modified: Friday, 16 September 2011, 6:13 AM