Respiration in aquatic insects

Respiration in aquatic insects

    1.Closed tracheal system:
  • In some aquatic and many endoparasitic larvae spiracles are absent and the tracheae divide peripherally to form a network. This covers the body surface, allowing cutaneous gas exchange.          e.g. Gills : Tracheated thin outgrowth of body wall.
  • Lamellate gills - mayfly naiad
  • Filamentous gills - damselfly naiad
  • Rectal gills - dragonfly naiad
    2. Open tracheal system:
      i. Air store: Air bubble stored beneath wings acts as physical gill, e.g. water bug.
      ii.Respiratory siphon - e.g. Wriggler
      iii.Caudal breathing tube -e.g. Water scorpion
      iv. Plastron : Closely set hydrofuge hairs of epicuticle hold a thin film of air indefinitely.
Last modified: Friday, 18 November 2011, 2:04 PM