• Yellow mosaic, Anthracnose, Phytophthora pod rot, rust, angular leaf spot, ashy stem blight and Rhizoctonia root rot are some of the diseases affecting bean crop.
  • The disease can be effectively controlled by spraying copper oxychloride @0.3per cent.
  • Root rot can be controlled by drenching captan @0.2per cent.
  • Foliar fungal diseases can be controlled by spraying mancozeb @0.25per cent.
  • Rust can be controlled by spraying wettable sulphur @0.2per cent and fungicides like hexaconazole (0.05%) etc.
  • Thrips may be problem in very dry weather.
  • Severely infested flowers wilt, fade and drop prematurely without bearing fruits.
  • They lacerate the leaf tissue and imbibe the oozing sap.
  • Pale and silvery sheens appear on the affected leaves.
  • Some thrips are also vectors of viral diseases.
Control measures
  • Spray the crop with cypermethrin 0.0075% or dichlorvos 0.04% as soon as the attack is noticed.
  • If harvesting coincides with spray, spray immediately after harvest and wait for 15 days for another harvest.
  • These are very small pests and remain mostly on the under surface of leaves.
  • Damage is caused by the larvae, nymphs and adults by sucking the cell sap from under side of leaves, flower buds and flowers.
  • When population is high, it results in bronzing and curling of leaves and discolouration of flowers and leaves.
  • Webbing of leaves, sepals and petals occur which give untidy look to the plants.
  • The infestation is more in dry weather and under poly house conditions.
Control measures
  • Remove the old and infested leaves and burn them.
  • Try to avoid dry conditions and spray frequently with plain water at least twice a week with sprinkler.
  • Observe the plants regularly for mite population and if incidence is noticed, spray the crop with insecticides like profenofos (0.05%) or fenazaquin (0.0025%) or propargite (0.057%).

Last modified: Wednesday, 20 June 2012, 5:25 PM