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Current course
24 February - 2 March
3 March - 9 March
10 March - 16 March
17 March - 23 March
24 March - 30 March
31 March - 6 April
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14 April - 20 April
21 April - 27 April
28 April - 4 May
Learning Objectives
TURNIP Objective: Turnip is a popular root vegetable of North India grown during winter months. It is cultivated for its roots, for greens and for feeding green fodder to cattle. In young stage, it can be cooked but when it is mature, it may become fibrous and hard. It can be eaten raw but, for making palatable pickles, only desi types are the best. European varieties are sweeter than Indian varieties. The present chapter will make the students familiar with its importance, production technology, seed production techniques and plant protection measures. |
Last modified: Tuesday, 19 June 2012, 5:29 PM