Different Types of Broccoli
Purple sprouting broccoli Biennials, branched, purple spears, variable
Purple cape broccoli Biennials, single purple heads, variable
White sprouting broccoli Biennials, branched, white spears
Purple Sicilian broccoli Single heading pale-purple heads also known in horticulture as purple cauliflower.
Couve broccoli ‘Roxo de Cabeca’ Tall purple heading, sprouting type from Portgal
Calabrese Green sprouting broccoli from Calabrian region. Now a world wide crop and virtually single heading
Black broccoli Highly branched annual with dark green spears and sickle shaped leaves, from Rome area
  • In broccoli, purple and green variants occurs though in U.S.A, only the green types are grown.
  • The purple types are fairly hardy and can be harvested during winter.
  • The green sprouting broccoli is classified in accordance to their maturity i.e. early, medium and late cultivars.
  • Though a very sharp distinction is not possible but the cultivars may differ in the size of plant, size of clusters and buds, firmness of heads, colour of heads and foliage.
  • The demand is more for a firm head with small dark green buds while demand for the side shoots have decreased in recent years possibly due to difficulty in harvesting.
  • Cultivars like De Cicco, Green Bud, Spartan Early etc. are early types and can be harvested in 6-7 weeks after transplanting.
  • These cultivars may not perform well under unfavourable conditions especially at lower temperature.
  • Cultivars like Waltham 29, Green Mountain, Coastal Atlantic etc. are sensitive to buttoning and can be grown as an early or late crop.
  • The medium strains like Green Sprouting Medium take about 100 days to maturity, while the late strains like Green Sprouting Late are biennials and may be harvested on the onset of winter or after its end.
  • At present a large number of F1 hybrid cultivars are being marketed by the different seed companies of Japan, U.S.A. and Europe.
Some of F1 hybrids are:
Extra Early and Early: Southern Comet, Premium Crop and Laser
Midseason: Cosair, Excalibur and Emerald Corona
Late: Late corona, Stiff, Kayak and Green Surf

Important varieties grown in Northern India are:

Pusa Broccoli Kt. Sel. 1:
  • Developed through selection at IARI, Regional Station Katrain (Kullu Valley).
  • Compact light green heads, weighing around 250-400g, plant height 40-50cm and ready for harvesting in 85-95 days after transplanting.
Palam Samridhi (DPGB I):
  • Sprouting broccoli having compact green heads, free from yellow eyes and bracts, average head weight is 300-400g, plant branched.
  • It also bears sprouts in the axil of leaves which adds to the total yield, ready for harvest in 85-90 days after transplanting, average yield 150-200 q/ha.
Palam Haritika:
  • Sprouting broccoli having dark green straight leaves, the main head formed deep inside the leaves.
  • Late in maturity and gets 150 days for harvesting, free from yellow eyes, average yield 200-250q/ha
Palam Kanchan:
  • Yellow coloured heading type broccoli, leaves are large, green and straight with white midrib.
  • Gets ready for harvesting in 140 days, average yield 250-300q/ha.
Palam Vichitra:
  • Purple coloured heading type broccoli, medium foliage, open green leaves having green tinge, heads are firm and solid.
  • Gets ready for harvesting in 115-120 days, average yield 225-250q/ha

Last modified: Sunday, 17 June 2012, 9:36 AM