- On the basis of species, the cultivated pea is divided into two types.
- The field pea with coloured flowers (Pisum sativum var. arvense L.) and garden pea with white flowers (Pisum sativum var. hortense L.).
- From practical stand point, Pisum sativum can be divided into following groups.
A. According to seed
- Round or smooth-seeded cultivars
- Wrinkled seeded cultivars
B. According to height of plant
- Bush or dwarf types.
- Medium tall types.
- Tall types.
C. According to maturity period
- Early season : 65-80days
- Medium season : 90-100days
- Main season : 110-120days.
D. According to use of pods
- Fresh market types
- Freezing types
- Canning types
- Dehydration types.
E. According to pod walls
a. Types with thin pod walls
- Types with smooth seeds
- Type with wrinkled seeds.
b. Types with thick pod walls
- Type with smooth seeds
- Type with wrinkled seeds.
VARIETIES Peas varieties are classified asa) Early Smooth SeededAlaska:
- This is an early smooth seeded canning cultivar with bluish green seeds.
- Plants are about 45cm tall; pods are borne singly, light green in colour.
b) Early Wrinkled Seeded Arkel:
- It is an early, dwarf, wrinkled seeded and most popular exotic variety.
- Pods are green and sickle shaped.
- Yield potential of this variety is 100q/ha and shelling percentage is approximately 40.
Matter Ageta 6:
- It is an early maturing Indian cultivar, dwarf, having dark green pods and ready for first picking after 40-50 days from sowing, contain 6-7 seeds per pod.
- It produces 50per cent of its total yield in the first picking.
Palam Triloki:
- Early maturing, about 10 days earlier in maturity than recommended variety ‘Arkel’ besides having higher yield potential with an average f 70-75q/ha.
- It has long, bright green, round, well filled pods containing 8-10 seeds with 48-50% shellimg
c) Wrinkled-Seeded Main Season and Late Lincoln:
- It is a dwarf to medium tall, single podded cultivar, flowering in 55-60 days and first blossom appears at 11-12th node.
- Pods are dark green, 9.5-10 cm long, 6-7 seeded with shelling percentage of 45 and it is suitable for late sowing.
- Pods retain good colour after harvest and good for canning.
Azad P-1:
- Plants are 80-90cm tall having dark green foliage.
- Pods are smooth, dark green and 8-10cm long.
- Pods are slightly curved at the distal end and shelling percentage is 50-55.
- This variety can tolerate powdery mildew and rust.
Solan Nirog (Sel. 8-1):
- It is developed from UHF, Solan.
- Pods are 8-10cm long, dark green with 8-9seeds/pod.
- It matures in 90-95days and resistant to powdery mildew disease.
Palam Priya (DPP-68):
- It is developed from HPKV, Palampur.
- Pods are green, attractive, sweet, contain 6-8 seeds/pod and tolerant to powdery mildew.
- Medium in maturity and growth habit, bright green, very long pods (9-10 cm) with more number of seeds/pod (9-10) and high shelling percentage (45-50%).
- More pods/plant (20-25) borne in doubles almost in every node , sweet in taste (17.2o Brix TSS) and average yield is 135 q/ha.
Palam Sumool:
- Medium in maturity having very long (12-15cm) dark green and flattish round pods containing 8-10 bold seeds and resistant to powdery mildew disease.
- High yield potential (100-120 q/ha), 45-48% shelling, sweet in taste (TSS 180o brix).
d) Round-Seeded Main Season and Late Kanawari:
- This is a tall-growing, double podded cultivar, flowering in 65-75 days, first blossom appears at 15-17th node, pods are about 8.5cm long, yellowish green contain 5-6 seed.
- It is largely grown in hills and the plains around Ambala, as a non irrigated crop.
- Shelling percentage of about 40, and it is also suitable for growing as a grain type although the presence of black colour lowers the market value of the grain.
e) Edible Podded TypeSylvia:
- It is a tall cultivar flower in 60 days and first blossom appears at 14-16th node.
- Pods are borne singly, yellowish, 12cm long and sickle shaped.
- Staking is desirable and it is suitable for late sowing.
Others varieties are1. Early Smooth- Seeded
- Asauji
- Lucknow Boniya
- Early Superb
2. Early Wrinkles- Seeded
- Early Badger
- Little Marvel
- Kelvedon Wonder
3. Wrinkled-Seeded Main Season and Late
- Khaper Kheda
- Perfection New Line
- GC-14
4. Edible-Podded Cultivar
- Punjab Meethiphali
- Aparna
- Alaska 81
- Apex