Spring radishes
Winter radishes
Very common, rapid growing and quick maturing (20-30 days)
Slow growing and late maturing (50-90 days)
Relatively small roots
Large roots
Root quality deteriorate quickly and mildly pungent
Stored better and have characteristic strong flavour
Asiatic/tropical/subtropical type
European/Temperate Type
Produce seeds in plains
Seed production is limited to high hills
Pusa Desi, Pusa Reshmi, Pusa Chetki, Punjab Safed, Japanese White, Punjab Pasand, Arka Nishant, Chinese Pink, Hisar Mooli No. 1, Kalyanpur No. 1, Kalyani White, CO-1, IPVR-I, IPVR-II, C-2, Jaunpuri Mooli, Early Mino White
Pusa Himani, White Icicle, Rapid Red White Tipped, Scarlet Globe, Scarlet Long, Silver Queen, Kvarta (Short duration suitable for protected cultivation). French Breakfast, Palam Hriday
- Radish contains an alkaloid isothiocyanate, good source of carbohydrates and minerals. Pink colour of radish is due to the presence of anthocyanin and white colour varieties are not rich in Vitamin-C.
- It is also grown for its young edible pods present in the species Rapahnus caudatus besides Raphanus sativus
- There are two distinct groups viz. European or temperate and Asiatic or Tropical Types:
European/ Temperate Type
- They are quick growing and short duration type (25-30 days).
- Produce roots of good quality, less pungent and smaller in size.
The important varieties belonging to this group are as follows:White Icicle:
- Roots cylindrical ending in a stump, 12-15cm long 2-3cm thick, skin slim, flesh white, mildly pungent flavor, sweet and free from green top.
- Ready for harvesting in 25-30 days.
Pusa Himani:
- Roots are 30-35cm long, 10-12cm in length, skin is pure white and flesh is crisp and sweet flavoured with mild pungency.
- Ready in 55 days for harvesting after sowing.
Rapid Red White Tipped:
- It is an early variety and produce short foliage.
- Roots are small, round and red in colour with green top foliage.
- Flesh is white, crisp and pungent.
B. Asiatic or Tropical Type
- Asiatic types don’t require chilling temperature for bolting and set seed freely under tropical conditions.
- Hence their seed can be produced under tropical conditions.
The important varieties include:Japanese White:
- Roots are cylindrical ending in a stump and 25-30cm long.
- Flesh is pure white, crisp, smooth and mildly pungent, harvested 45 days after sowing.
- Produce seeds only in the hills and bolting is very less.
Pusa Chetki:
- Roots are medium sized, pure white, slim, mildly pungent and soft with blunt end.
- Roots become ready for harvesting in 40-45days after sowing.
Pusa Reshmi:
- Roots are 30-35cm long, white slightly green with tapering end.
- Roots mature in 55-60 days after sowing.
Chinese Pink:
- It has 12-15cm long pink coloured roots and lower end of roots is white.
- Roots are crisp and mildly pungent and mature in 50-55 days.
Hisar Mooli No 1:
- Developed by CCS, Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar.
- Roots are long, soft, white, straight and mature in 50-55 days
Punjab Safed:
- Roots are long (30-40 cm), thick (3-5 cm), pure white, tapering, smooth, mild in taste, medium pungent with good flavour and free from forking.