Introduction-Field of entomology

Introduction-Field of entomology

    • The field of entomology may be divided into 2 major aspects.
    1. Fundamental Entomology or General Entomology
    2. Applied Entomology or Economic Entomology

    Fundamental Entomology

    • Fundamental Entomology deals with the basic or academic aspects of the Science of Entomology.
    • It includes morphology, anatomy, physiology and taxonomy of the insects.
    • In this case we study the subject for gaining knowledge on Entomology irrespective of whether it is useful or harmful.

    Applied Entomology or Economic Entomology

    • Applied Entomology or Economic Entomology deals with the usefulness of the Science of Entomology for the benefit of mankind. Applied entomology covers the study of insects which are either beneficial or harmful to human beings.
    • It deals with the ways in which beneficial insects like predators, parasitoids, pollinators or productive insects like honey bees, silkworm and lac insect can be best exploited for our welfare.
    • Applied entomology also studies the methods in which harmful insects or pests can be managed without causing significant damage or loss to us.
    • In fundamental entomology insects are classified based on their structure into families and orders etc. in applied entomology insects can be classified based on their economic importance i.e., whether they are useful or harmful.

Last modified: Wednesday, 25 January 2012, 5:18 PM