

    • Use of natural enemies to suppress pest species. The Natural enemies are Predators, Parasitoids and Pathogens. Classical biological control is cottony cushion scale Icerya purchase in 1889 with Roaolia cardinalis beetle (Miracle of Entomology). The steps involved in biological control are
    1. Conservation and encouragement of indigenous natural enemies.
    2. Importation of exotic natural enemies.
    3. Augmentation (mass rearing and release).
    • Qualities of an effective natural enemy: 1) Good host searching capacity. 2) Host specificity. 3) Wider adaptability 4) High dispersal ability 5) Amenability to culturing. 6) Ability to withstand competition. 7) Ability to outnumber the pest. 8) High survival capacity.

Last modified: Friday, 24 February 2012, 9:51 PM