Infrastructure required

Infrastructure Required

Infrastructure Required:
1. Spawn production laboratory:
  • Basically minimum 4 to 5 rooms with clean and tile fitted floors and walls are required for a spawn production laboratory. The rooms will be required for storing raw materials; boiling of grains, mixing filling in PP bags / glass bottles and their autoclaving; one inoculation chamber fitted with glass doors containing Laminar flow; one or two insulated rooms for incubation of inoculated bags and one cold room required for storing completely spawn run bags ready for distribution.
2. Compost preparation and cropping unit:
  • A big cemented and well covered composting yard for preparation of compost and other substrates.
  • One or more Insulated Pasteurization Chambers for the pasteurization of compost.
  • A cemented, well insulated, small chamber for sterilization of casing mixture
  • One well built, clean and fly proof mushroom production unit with more than six insulated cropping rooms fitted with air handling units and steel racks for production of mushrooms.

Fig. 11.1 View of a clean and well built mushroom production unit
Fig. 11.2
view of a well covered composting yard
Last modified: Monday, 18 June 2012, 7:20 AM