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Current course
26 February - 4 March
5 March - 11 March
12 March - 18 March
19 March - 25 March
26 March - 1 April
2 April - 8 April
9 April - 15 April
16 April - 22 April
23 April - 29 April
30 April - 6 May
Mushroom Production Project (Contd..)
B. Mushroom Production Project
Economics of Pady Straw mushroom production ( 5 kg /day /300 days )
Cost of production / year
1. Working expenditure : 67,175 2. Interest and depreciation on fixed cost : 5,570 3. Total cost : 72,745 Income 1.By sale of 5 kg of mushrooms daily @ Rs. 65 per kg : 90,000 2.Cost of spent mushroom compost : 15,000 3.Total income : 1,02,000 4.Net income per year : 37,825 |
Last modified: Monday, 18 June 2012, 10:13 AM