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Mushroom Production Project (Contd..)
B. Economics of production of button mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus )
Production of button mushroom on a small scale is not economical.However, if good compost is readily available or by creating facilities for LMC, button mushroom production can be taken up, especially at high elevation where suitable climatic condition normally exist. Approximate cost estimated is given below ( 650 bags / crop having 10 kg of compost in each bag x 4 crops / year)
Cost of production/year 1. Working expenditure : 2,35,950 2. Total fixed cost : 1,51,800 Total cost : 3,87,750 Income 1. By sale of 9,000 kg mushrooms @ Rs. 70 / kg : 6, 30,000 2. Cost of spent mushroom compost : 20,000 3. Total income : 6,50,000 4. Net income per year : 2,62,250 |
Last modified: Monday, 18 June 2012, 10:18 AM