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26 February - 4 March
5 March - 11 March
12 March - 18 March
19 March - 25 March
26 March - 1 April
2 April - 8 April
9 April - 15 April
16 April - 22 April
23 April - 29 April
30 April - 6 May
Fill in the blanks: 1. An orchard is one where different --------- crops have been planted in an orderly manner.
2. The types of fruit orchards are ------------, ----------------, --------------- and experimental orchards. 3. Floor management practices should increase or at least maintain ---------- matter in the orchard soil. 4. Orchard management aims at to provide --------------- moisture conditions in soil during the critical growth stages. 5. Good orchard management always ------------- soil erosion. 6. Orchard management increase or at least maintain ------------ matter in soil. 7. Clean cultivation, sod culture, use of herbicides, mulching, inter-cropping, cover crops are some of the important -------------- practices. 8. A good orchard management program always ensures -------- to the grower. 9. A good orchard management practice always improve structure and aeration of the -------. 10. Orchards maintained in research institutions with the main aim of conducting several experiments are referred as ----------- orchards. Key:1 (fruit),2(Commercial, progeny, home), 3 (organic matter), 4 (optimum), 5 (prevent/control), 6 (organic), 7 (soil management), 7,(biological), 8(higher return/ income), 9 (soil), 10 (experimental). State whether true (T) or fall (F). 1. An Orchard is one where all horticultural crops have been planted..
2. Orchards maintained by nurserymen mainly for maintaining the superior types of fruits with all the desirable characters mainly for the purpose of propagation are ‘progeny’ orchards. 3. Judicious orchard management ensure sustainable in fruit production. 4. Any management practice can be employed in orchards situated in different topographical locations (T/F). 5. Efficient management programme provides optimum moisture conditions during the critical stages of tree growth. 6.The orchards maintained by fruit growers mainly for commercial purpose are progeny orchard. 7. Orchards maintained by a family to meet the fruit needs of the family are referred as ‘home orchard’. 8. A good soil management programme increases nutrients status of soil. 9. Orchard floor management often increases weed growth. 10. A good management programmeimproves soil structure and therebyimproves soil aeration and water percolation. 11. Control of pest and diseases in progeny orchard is easy Key: 1 (F),2 (T),3(T), 4(F), 5(T), 6(F), 7(T), 8(T), 9(F), 10(T). 11 (F) |
Last modified: Wednesday, 4 January 2012, 5:19 AM