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The actual bog garden is an area where there is stagnant acid water and only plants such as sundew, butterwort, etc., grow. But the bog garden in landscape gardening refers to a marsh where the soil is not sour or acid and a shallow stream or trickle runs through it. The main criterion of a marsh garden is to keep it moist and in a swampy state all throughout. The site should be low-lying where the surface drainage water will collect naturally. A site having a sub-soil of sticky clay is ideally suitable for marsh garden as only a trickle of water will keep this wet, but if the soil is light in nature, certain amount of digging will be needed before establishing a marsh garden. Plants for bog gardens Arrowhead - Sagittaria sagittifolia Bog Lily - Crinum americanum Bull Rush - Scirpus spp. Cat tails - Typha spp. |
Last modified: Saturday, 23 June 2012, 4:05 AM