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Window gardening’ or ‘window-box gardening’ is making of garden in the window sill or any other attachment to it. ![]() ![]() Courtesy:ep.yimg,com/ca/I/hooksandlattice and Merits:Novel method of gardening An ideal place for growing a wide range of house plants Ideally suitable for congested cities and flat dwellers Containers for window gardening: Containers made of following materials are suitable : Wood, fibre glass, iron, plastic, etc., Painted with water proof paint to protect from rotting A box of 75cm length, 30cm width and 20cm depth is ideal. Provision for drainage holes is essential. Media for window garden: Three parts of garden soil, 1 part of cow dung manure, 1/4 part of sand (or) soil mixture containing 3 parts of loam soil,1 part leaf mould, 1 part river sand and 1 part compost mixture. Soil mixture can be changed when it becomes exhaustive. Planting in a window box: Sun-loving plants: Alyssum, Geranium, Petunia, dusty miller, Cosmos, snapdragon, Dahlia, Nasturtium, succulents Shade-loving plants: Ferns, begonias, Impatiens, ivy, Caladium, violas, mint, Philodendron, Spathiphyllum Creepers: Tradescantia, Hedera helix, Juniperus prostate, morning glory Perennials: Lantana sellowiana, Verbena, Russelia juncea
Last modified: Saturday, 23 June 2012, 4:10 AM