

    Cacti and succulents are a group of plants which have special structures to store water in thick fleshy leaves or stems. They thrive best in sunny situations and are light loving. They need little care except when actively growing. There is a clear distinction between both. Cactus is characterized by the presence of areoles, which often look like woolly cushions carrying spines, hairs or glochids and the flowers arise from or near the areoles. The spines in a cactus are modified leaves which provide shade against scorching sun and help in conservation of moisture besides protecting against birds and animals.

    Cacti and Succulents

    All the cacti are succulents on account of storing water but all the succulents are not cacti. Cacti and succulents are very popular amongst gardeners and they are used to adorn sunny situations of gardens, houses, window sides and rock gardens.

Last modified: Monday, 30 April 2012, 5:39 AM