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Plants suitable for indoors A wide range of plants can be grown indoors ranging from money plants that can grow in complete shade to a rose plant that loves bright sunlight; a tiny African violet or sapling of a rubber tree which can grow in to a giant tree can all be used for indoor gardening. But then one will have to see that the proper place for each plant is provided. The rose plant will have to be placed in a sunny balcony, money plant and African violet on a shady windowsill and the rubber tree sapling as long as it can be accommodated in the pot and indoors. Sun-loving plants too can be kept indoors temporarily, say for a function, such as a birthday party. A list of some plants suitable for keeping indoors is given below. Decorative foliage plants: Dieffenbachia Brassaia Aglaonema Alocassia Dracaena Ferns Maranta Alpinia Ficus varieties Oxalis Palms Anthurium Schefflera For hanging baskets: Fittonia Tradescantia Ferns Selaginella Chlorophytum Episcia Begonia Money plants Peperomia Hoya Pilea Orchids Plectranthus Flowering plants: African violets Creepers: Orchids Episcia Flowering begonia Impatiens Calla Spathiphyllum Money plant Passiflora tricolour Philodendron Piper crocatum Syngonium Vanilla Cissus Hedera helix Hoya |
Last modified: Monday, 30 April 2012, 6:03 AM