Vertical garden

Vertical garden

    In cities people living in flats have very little space for the conventional type of gardening, but can easily afford to put up a vertical garden. A vertical garden can be shifted from place to place and even used as an ornamental partition in the drawing room. Since the aeration and the drainage of the medium are perfect, shallow-rooted plants needing very little anchorage will grow well. The vertical garden should be planted with either sun-loving dwarf or trailing flowering annuals such as Alyssum, Pansy, Nasturtium etc. or shade loving foliage plants such as Fittonia, Peperomia, Oxalis, Zebrina pendula etc., or flowering begonias. The vertical garden is provided with legs on the sides to enable it to stand on its own.

Last modified: Monday, 19 December 2011, 9:20 AM