The chief objectives of landscaping industrial areas are: To reduce the wind velocity by using tall evergreen trees To reduce pollution caused by hazardous gases To reduce noise To improve microclimate To improve aesthetic values
Industries may be broadly categorized into two groups. The first group comprises comparatively neat factories such as a plywood factory or a fruit processing plant which emit less dust and other polluting materials. The second group consists of factories such as cement, steel, fertilizer, etc. which emit a lot of dust, smoke, and harmful chemicals.
 (Courtesy : http://go2.wordpress.com)
The primary aim in a factory garden will be to plant trees to arrest the drifting dust and smoke and to cut down noise. Another important aim is to provide ample shade and coolness so that the workers get a respite under the coolness of trees from the hostile hot interior of the factory. Moreover the trees bring down the temperature in the factory premises to a considerable extent. The places where garden can be laid in the factory area are canteen, rest-shed, hospital, administrative building, etc.
Last modified: Monday, 19 December 2011, 9:57 AM