

    1. Bose T.K, Maiti R.G, Dhua R.S and Das P. 1999. Floriculture and Landscaping. Naya Prokash.
    2. Nambisan K.M.P.1992. Design Elements of Landscape Gardening. Oxford & IBH.
    3. Randhawa G.S and Mukhopadhyay A. 1986. Floriculture in India. Allied Publ.
    4. Sabina G.T and Peter K.V. 2008. Ornamental Plants for Gardens. New India Publ. Agency.
    5. Woodrow M.G.1999. Gardening in India. Biotech Books.
    6. Arora, J.S. 1999. Introduction to ornamental horticulture. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, India.

Last modified: Monday, 9 April 2012, 3:58 AM