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Current course
26 February - 4 March
5 March - 11 March
12 March - 18 March
19 March - 25 March
26 March - 1 April
2 April - 8 April
9 April - 15 April
16 April - 22 April
23 April - 29 April
30 April - 6 May
Problems in lawns
Frost-injury: In cold regions, the grass is injured due to frost. This can be avoided to a great extent if the grass is sprayed with water every evening and in the early morning after frost. Thatching: Formation of straw like layers of dead stems, leaves and roots of grass is called thatching. It can be controlled by manual removal. Yellowing: It is more prevalent in wet weather. It is controlled by drenching with copper oxychloride / Dithane M-45 @ 3g/litre or Bavistin 1g/litre. Earthworms: Affect lawn by depositing their excreta. Cause a circular ring of thin coloured or dead grass. They are controlled by drenching soil with Bavistin @ 1g/lit or Dithane M 45 @ 3g/lit. Oilcakes of neem / Pongamia @ 500g/10 m2 may be applied before rainy season. Termites: They are controlled by the application of Phoret / Thimet. |
Last modified: Monday, 9 April 2012, 4:24 AM