Source plants for bonsai making

Source plants for bonsai making

    1. Cultivation from seed: It takes long time, in the first place growing a house plant and then successfully shaping into perfect bonsai.
    2. Cultivation from vegetatively propagated plants: This system is highly practical and commonly used. It is carried out by taking cutting from the matured shoots, layering, grafting and budding methods.
    3. Seedlings from local origin/countryside: Seedlings of mature trees of local origin viz., gardens, terraces and fields along side of roads. For collection of these seedlings soil from the plants must be loosend using showel, than only gently lift the plants without injuring the taproot. If the seedlings are to be planted immediately, simply cover the roots with loose and wet soil to prevent drying. If the planting delayed for few days, then cover the seedling with moist sphagnum moss or newspaper to keep the plants from drying out. After collection 2 – 3 year old seedling from the field, immerse the roots in a bucket of water or emulsion of clay and water.

Last modified: Saturday, 23 June 2012, 4:38 AM