Potting and repotting
- For starting a bonsai from the natural stunted plant or from a dwarf plant obtained from a nursery, it is necessary to prune the roots.
- Generally one-third of the roots is cut off and the tap root also may be pruned if there is an abundant growth of fibrous, lateral roots.
- The unnecessary branches are removed before planting.
- The basic principle in bonsai culture is to restrict and slow down the growth of the plant by selective pruning of roots and branches.
- However, at the same time, it is necessary to provide just adequate but balanced nutrition and regulated watering for proper and healthy but slow growth of the bonsai.
- Before potting the plant one must decide the style of bonsai to be followed.
- The method of planting in the pot or container and the training of the plant will depend upon the style of bonsai.
- The old bonsai requires repotting after 2 or 3 years depending upon the plant species and its growth. The repotting is done in the same way as the potting.
Last modified: Monday, 9 April 2012, 4:31 AM