Planting medium


    Planting medium
    • Generally the planting medium in the pot or container consists of a mixture of two parts of loam soil, one part of fine leaf-mould and a little coarse sand.
    • The medium for growing bonsai should be porous with a good drainage. Bone meal or superphosphate in small quantity is added to the planting medium.
    • If possible, sterilize the medium with steam or chemical like formaldehyde.
    • Often the soil in the pot is covered with moss and one or tow small stones are placed to give a natural look.

    • A mixture of NPK or liquid manure prepared with oilcake (neem or mustard) may be applied once a week after about a month of potting but not during the active growth or dormant stage of the plant.
    • The application of bonemeal or superphosphate is useful in flowering while for fruiting add a little potash also to the potting medium.

    • Regular and judicious watering is required but overwatering and water logging should be avoided.
    • Watering is beneficial at the time of flowering but not in bougainvillea as frequent watering results in shedding of flowers.
    • Conifers like pine and juniper require less water that other species.

    After care
    • The soil in the pot should be hoed lightly when it becomes hard.
    • Frequent weeding, control of diseases and insect pests by pesticides, pinching and pruning whenever required, regular watering, balanced nutrition and providing adequate sunlight, are the necessary after-care of bonsai.
    • Repotting of old bonsai after every 2-3 years is also helpful in proper maintenance of the bonsai.

Last modified: Monday, 9 April 2012, 4:33 AM