Definition : ‘Dry flowers’ refer to dried or dehydrated flowers or plant part or botanicals (roots, leaves, stem, bark or whole plant) that can be used for ornamental purposes. Dried flowers are also known as everlasting flowers or dehydrated flowers.

    Dry flowerEconomic importance: The dry flower industry is a Rs. 100 crore industry in India and such dry decorative materials are globally accepted as natural, eco-friendly, long lasting and inexpensive. India is one of the major exporters of dried flowers to the tune of 5% world trade in dry flowers. This industry is growing at 15% annual growth rate. Potpourris is a major segment of dry flower industry valued Rs. 55 crores in India alone. Easy and year-round availability of a wide range of raw materials from forests and availability of manpower for labour intensive craft making are the reasons for development of dry flower industry in India. This industry provides direct employment to around 15,000 people and indirect employment to around 60,000 people.

    Indian states with potentials for dry flower industry: At present India is a leading exporter of dry flower to the world market. The major importers of the country’s dry flower products are Western Europe, United States, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong. West Bengal and Tamil Nadu are the two major states where the Industry has steadily growing up. The rich biodiversity of these states in terms of topography and climate has made them a rich source of plant materials for the dried flower Industry.

Last modified: Monday, 9 April 2012, 4:40 AM