Important arecanut growing states

Important arecanut growing states

States Area(000ha) Production(000t)
Karnataka 184.5 224.0
Kerala 97.2 112.1
Assam 70.0 62.7
West Bengal 11.4 21.2
Meghalaya 12.4 17.1
Tamilnadu 5.0 10.4
Tripura 4.4 8.4
Mizoram 6.6 8.2
Andaman & Nicobar 4.1 6.0
Maharashtra 2.2 3.6
Goa 1.9 2.8
Total 400.1 478.0


Present Status and Future Policy for arecanut
  1. We have attained self sufficiency in our requirement: The area and production of arecanut in India showed an increasing trend during past 40 years
  2. Uses of arecanut other than chewing are negligible: Now research is going on to find out medicinal uses and better alternate uses of arecanut
  3. Limited export potential: People of only Asian origin are habituated for arecanut chewing but not western people.
Future Policy (Suggestions are for intensive cultivation by)
  1. Taking up of replanting and under planting in the age and unproductive plantations. Arecanut palms live for about 60 –100 years but economic yields are attained up to 30 –45 years depending on conditions of management.
  2. Multiple cropping – Inter and mixed cropping in arecanut plantation to augment the income from existing plantations.

Last modified: Wednesday, 16 November 2011, 9:35 AM