Pocket Manuring

Pocket Manuring

  • It is a new method of fertilizer application (Based on studies in established coconut plantations of Tamil Nadu) in holes dug with a crow bar at about 25 cm apart in circular basins formed around the base of the palms.
  • After filling the holes of 15 cm deep with fertilizers, they are to be properly closed with sand or soil. Prescribed amount of organics should be incorporated into the basins and irrigated.
    Advantages of pocket manuring in coconut
        1) Easier, cheaper and quicker method. Two people can fertilize 50 trees a day.
        2) Better absorption of nutrients through roots
        3) Prevents nutrient loss by way of leaching and run off.
        4) This method of application suits well in sloppy lands/areas.
  • Fig : Holes at 25 cm apart and 15 cm deep and close with sand or soil.
  • Water management in coconut plantations (Irrigation) Though coconut can tolerate dry spell to some extent, long dry spells will adversely affect the growth and productivity of the palms.
    Irrigation in CoconutProlonged dry spell ( 5 to 6 months or more) results in;
    1. Yellowing and drooping of leaves,
    2. Wilting of lower whorls,
    3. Reduction in yield : due to reduction in number of bunches, female flowers per bunch and setting percentage besides shedding of immature nuts and tender nuts,
    4. Immature nut fall and button shedding,
    5. Thickening the walls of roots resulting in reduced absorption capacity.
    6. Aggravated stem bleeding disease.
    7. Increased leaf fall
    8. Quality : Reduced nut size and copra content
  • All these symptoms results in growth stagnation and reduced leaf and flower production and decrease in yield.
    Placement of drippers :
  • Three to four drippers at the basin of the palm placed at 1 m distance from the bole of the palm. Three drippers are located at 120 ยบ around the stem of the palm is optimum, when placed at 1 m distance from the bole of the palm. This system is 50 to 70 per cent efficient (Water use efficiency) than traditional system. Mulching with the husk with convex side up will help in conserving soil moisture. Drip irrigation also advances first yield in coconut by 8 to 12 months.
  • Note:1) In drip irrigation point of wetting should not be shifted.
    2) It is not essential to wet all round the palm as 25 per cent of root zone is capable of absorbing more than 85 per cent of total water requirement of most of the palms.

Last modified: Wednesday, 28 September 2011, 8:49 AM