Bud rot in coconut

Bud rot in coconut

  • Cause : Phytophthora palmivora , P. Katsurae 47
  • This disease is seen in all coconut growing states of India.
  • Season : Rampant (Aggressive/Higher/Unchecked) during monsoon when temperature is low and RH is high.
  • Yellowing: Yellowing of one or two younger leaves surrounding the spindle? Black spots appears on spindle leaves ?The spindle wilts and droops down.
  • Rotting : The tender leaf base and soft tissues of the crown rot into a slimy mass of decayed material emitting fowl smell. .
  • Fatal : The disease kills the palm if not checked in early stages. Ultimately the entire crown falls down and the palm dies.
    Management/Control of bud rot in coconut
  • Prophylactic spray: As a prophylactic measure, spray 1 per cent Bordeaux mixture on spindle leaves and crown of affected palms as well as neighbouring palms before the onset of monsoon. Spraying : Spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture during May and September if the disease occur frequently.
  • Application of Bordeaux Paste : If noticed in early stages, apply Bordeaux paste on the crown after thorough cleaning. ( Bordopaste =BM 10% = 100 g CuSO4 +100 g Lime in one litre water). Neighboring trees should be sprayed with BM (1%) as a prophylectic measure.
  • Burn all disease affected tissues removed from the palm.

Last modified: Tuesday, 8 November 2011, 10:22 AM