

  • Prevailing practice – Before sowing of nuts = 10 kg FYM per pit is applied – Increased biennially till the dose reaches – 60 kg per pit per year.
  • A dose of 10 kg FYM per pit is applied before planting and it has to be increased biannually till it reaches 60 kg FYM/pit/year.
  • Gap filling: After cultivation consists of gap filling. Gap filling may be carried out using containerized seedlings.
  • inter ploughing, Basin rectification in the initial few years. Basin rectification before rains helps for efficient collection and storage of rainwater.
  • Defoliation: Tending : Removal of persisting leaf bases (Tending) has to be attended in Palmyra periodically.
  • Intercrops: Upto initial 5 to 6 years == Seasonal crops = Cowpea, moringa, green gram, red gram, Bengal gram,
  • Mixed crops: With semi arid zone fruit cops like , Anona, ber, amla, pomegranate, moringa, carissa, west Indian cherry, guava etc appears to be good. (Phyllanthus emblica = Bettada nelli while P. acidus is Indian goose berry,)
  • Irrigation : In dry lands pitcher irrigation may be followed. Soil conservation measures Viz., Mulching, Forming basin, Rain pits, Legume cover crops etc be adopted. Plant protection .
  • Pests: As in coconut rhinoceros beetles, red palm weevils and black headed caterpillar Eriophid mite often cause damage.


  • Bud rot ,stem bleeding, Grey blight and tuber rot .
  • Bud rot : The palm is liable to infection Phytophthora palmivora Buttler, causing a serious fungal disease called “bud rot”. In the advanced stage of the disease the soft heart of the bud is converted into a foul – smelling, rotten mass and the tree dies. .
  • Control : Prophylactic spray and curative spray of Bordeaux mixture (1 %) spray or Fytolon ( 0.3 % spray) is suggested. 

Last modified: Tuesday, 8 November 2011, 12:22 PM