Propagation in oil palm and Method/ System of planting

Propagation in oil palm and Method/ System of planting

    Method/ System of planting
  • Systems of planting: Generally square and Triangular systems of planting are used but the most commercially used method is triangular system.
  • Age and stage of seedling at the time of planting : 10 to 14 months ( some times 12 to 18 months stage). At this stage seedling will have 13 leaves, and about 1to 1.30 m ht with good collar girth.
  • Pit size : 60 cm x 60 cm x60 cm
  • Spacing: 9 m x 9m (140 to 150 trees per ha in triangular system of planting) Or 10 m x 10 m.
  • Fill the pits with FYM,+ Top soil + 125 g P2O5


    1. Seedlings are protected from rodents whenever necessary by wire netting (45 x 120 cm) encircling at a radius of 15 cm from base.
    2. Take care of maintenance during initial period of establishment.

Last modified: Saturday, 8 October 2011, 5:39 AM