Management / Control of Rodents Damage in oil palm

Management / Control of Rodents Damage in oil palm

  • Rodents / rat damange.
    Control/ Management
    1. Trapping : Different baits such as Iron Live traps, Snap traps, Death fall traps, Bow trap, Cage trap, Spring death trap, Bamboo nose Trap may be used to minimize rat damage.
    2. Orchard Sanitation
    3. Poison Baiting :
        Acute rate poison : Rodenticides such as Zinc phosphoid, single dose anticoagulants like Bromadiolone ((0.005%)
        Multiple Dose anticoagulant rodenticides : Warfarin, Fumarin are placed in the field in the evening and removed in the morning Dead rats should be buried to avoid secondary poisoning
    4. Mechanical Barriers : Oil palm seedling at the time of planting can be covered with 22 gauge galvanized iron ( Chicken) wire mesh around bole as prophylactic measure against rats, porcupines etc
    5. Biological agents : Predators for rats includes
        a) Snacks,
        b) Vultures,
        c) Mongoose
        d) Cats and
        e) Dogs.

Last modified: Thursday, 13 October 2011, 5:15 AM