Method of application:

Method of application

  • Apply in basin of 15 cm deep. Prepare trenches of 2 to 3 m radius around the tree trunk.
  • For more efficient use of fertilisers the root distribution of cashew should be considered. It depends on age of the tree, type of planting material, the soil environment, level of nutrition, irrigation etc. According to Wahid et al (1989) and Salam et al (1995) the lateral spread is 3-4 m and vertical depth is 60-100cm. But cashew is mostly a surface feeder.
    Method of fertiliser application
  • Method of fertiliser application For adult trees apply fertilisers within a radial distance of 2-3 m leaving half a meter from the tree trunk or in narrow trenches of 15 cm deep and covered with soil within the radial limit. For young trees, fertilisers can be broadcast and incorporated over the entire tree basin (10cm deep) within the canopy area.
  • An extensive review on nutrient management is given by Salam (2002).

Last modified: Friday, 14 October 2011, 9:44 AM