Cashew stem and root borer (Ploceaederus ferrugineus L. )

Cashew stem and root borer (Ploceaederus ferrugineus L. )

  • A dreaded enemy of cashew leading to death of the tree this pest is more severe in neglected cashew plantation.
  • Methods of damage = Grubs comes out and bores into the bark and feed on the epidermal and vascular tissues = Tunneling of stem and roots

      1) Presence of small holes in the collar region
      2) Gummosis : Oozing of gum
      3) Frass extrusion : Extrusion of chewed up fibres and excreta
      4) Bark discolouration
      5) Foliar Yellowing : Yellowing and shedding leaves
      6) Dreaded enemy : Death of tree

Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 12:55 PM