Management of CSRB

Management of CSRB

  1.  Identification in the initial stage of infestation:

    Do not treat trees which are in the stage of showing yellowing even in the monsoon. Yellowing is the stage before the death of cashew.

  2.  Phytosanitation:

    By the removal of dead trees and trees which are showing particularly at the end of monsoon.

      a) Yellowing: complete yellowing due to CSRB infestation
      b) Boring: Showing more than 50 per cent damage to the bole

  3.  Mechanical removal of the immature stages of the pest :

    The grub has six instars and remove the pest in the initial stage of development to avoid damage of tree. While removing the grub damage the bark to the minimum extent.

  4.  Treatment/ Swabbing :

    Swabbinng or Pasting the damaged portion with mixture of Carbaryl 50 gm (50%) and copper Oxychloride (25 gm) in one liter of water give effective control. We can also use Chloropyriphos or lindane pasting

      Preventive treatment: Swabbing with Coal tar + Kerosene (1: 2) to a height of 1 m trunk four times in year.

Last modified: Saturday, 15 October 2011, 4:33 AM