Classification of rubber clones

Classification of rubber clones

  • In rubber clones are broadly classified into three categories based on the methods adopted for the development of mother trees.
    1. Primary clones: When mother trees are selected from existing seedling populations of unknown parentage and are multiplied vegetatively.
      Eg: Tjir –1(Tjirandji –1 of Indonesia), G.T-1 (Godng Tapen of Indonesi) , G.I –1( Glenshiel-1 of Malaysia) and PB-86.
    2. Secondary clones: When the mother trees are evolved by cross pollination (hand pollination) between two primary clones and are then multiplied vegetatively, they are known as secondary clones.
      Eg: 1) RRIM – 600 = TJIR –1 x PB – 86 and 2) PRIM - 628 = TJIR –1 x PRIM – 527
    3. Tertiary clones : Are produced by controlled pollination of two existing clones, but they differ from secondary clones in that at least one of parents or both the parents are of secondary clones.
      Eg: RRIM – 703 = RRIM – 600 x RRIM –500.

Sl No.



Important traits


Primary clones

1. TJIR –1


Indonesian clone yield = 930 kg per ha per year
2. G.T –1


Indonesian clone, Yield =1360 kg per ha per year
3. Gl--1


Malaysian clone, Yield = 1130 kg per ha per year. Drought tolerant
4. PB- 86


Malaysian clone, Yield = 1130 kg per ha per year.


Secondary clones

1. RRIM – 600 Tjir –1 x PB – 86 Developed by RRIM,
Yield = 1317 kg/ha
2. RRIM – 628 TJIR – 1 x RRIM –527 Yield = 1051 kg/ha/yr


Tertiary clones

1. RRIM – 703 RRIM- 600 x RRIM –500 Yield = 1725 kg /ha/yr

Table: Clones developed by RRII for cultivation in South India

Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 1:02 PM