Cover cropping

Cover cropping

  • It is always suggested to maintain the ground cover in rubber plantation in view of maintenance of soil as a permanent productive asset. Cover crops which can be grown in rubber plantations are;
      1) Pueraria phaseoloides : Features A popular cover crop in India
        ?  Vigourous twiner and creeper that can be propagated by seeds and cuttings,
        ?  Can stand strong sun
        ?  Smothers weeds
  • Seed rate: 3 to 4.50 kg per ha.
  • Other cover crops includes
      2) Calopogonium muconoides : A twiner and creeper and dies off during dry months.
      3) Centrosema pubescens : Climber and can be grown in shade. However, it can not be grown under wet conditions.

Last modified: Monday, 17 October 2011, 8:34 AM