Site selection

Site selection

  • The selected site should have following provisions;cofe16

    1) Water supply : As perennial source

    2) Soil rich in organic matter (humus)

    3) Gentle Slope : Slope towards N or NE or E direction

    4) Drainage : Provision should be there for adequate drainage

    5) Altitude: Minimum of 500 m asl (Arabica 1000 m to 1500m while robusta 500 m to 1000m asl)

    6) Wind break: Eastern wind during December- February causes injury to plants (cold injury). Hence, wind belts of silver oak or orange or tree coffee should be raised

    7) Partial shade: Clear natural vegetation for providing required partial shade to coffee growth. It can be done by selective felling /retention of desired species of wild shade trees in the natural forest vegetation.

Last modified: Wednesday, 9 November 2011, 6:09 AM