Features of ideal shade trees

Features of ideal shade trees

    1) Nature of tree: Evergreen: Tree should be evergreen. However, deciduous trees which shed leaves during monsoon can also be used.

               Eg. Cidrella toona ( gandhagarige/ Red cidar)

    2) Flushing interval: Interval between shedding of leaves and emergence of new flush / leaves must be short.

    3) Feathery leaves: Selected trees preferably should have feathery leaves as to allow filtered light. Avoid dense foliage and broad leaved trees.

                Eg : Albizzia lebbeck A. Stipulata

    4) Clean trunk / Single stem: Trees should produce a clear trunk upto 30-35 feet to avoid damage caused by dripping of rain water.

    5) Spreading habit: Trees with wider canopy is preferred as to get maximum canopy from minimum number of trees.

    6) Withstand wind damage : Trees should not be brittle

    7) Legume: Selected trees should be a legume.

    8) Economically important: Tree should serve either as a timber (Eg. Dalbergia latifolia is a good timber) yielding tree.or fruit plant (Eg. Jack tree) or standard for trailing black pepper
                ( Eg. Silver oak is a very good standard for black pepper and wood is also of good quality )

    9) Withstand Lopping/ pruning/ trimming.
  • Shade trees absorb effective rays so that, light quality decreases. In open we get better growth than in shade because of good quality light.
    Shade regulation wrt permanent shade trees
  • Shade regulation is necessary in coffee and it has to be done every year i.e., just before the commencement of monsoon.
  • Season : May – June – July ( Monsoon) by cutting/lopping of branches. It is because during this period coffee receives less sunlight.

Last modified: Wednesday, 19 October 2011, 4:43 AM